Please click here for the canteen, grounds official and net duty roster for this coming weekends home games (the 23rd & 24th Aug).
To help things run smoothly we ask that you look for your family name in the “Net Duty Column”. If you are rostered to set up and or pack up (the nets, official areas ribbons and garbage bins) please look to your coach for assistance (as needed) to find the nets etc. or to put them away in the appropriate area.
If you are unable to make your duty time, please organize a partner or friend to fill your spot.
The senior teams are required to supply field officials (as per below information.) And players have been rostered to help with other senior games.
Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to seeing you all on the weekend.
Kind Regards
GROUND OFFICIALS:- Procedure 12 (f): – Senior Games
One ground official (per field) is required at HOME fixtures. Whilst few people want to do this role, it is essential that a suitable person does this job and it is not suitable for them to perform this role when sitting as a spectator (obviously they can sit and watch the game) but the role requires visibility, roving around the ground and escorting the match officials “to and from” the field of play. Ground officials should stay “impartial” and examples of loud yelling (sometimes aggressive behaviour) by a ground official does not assist the effectiveness that they have.
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